Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

Demon is given three out-of-play good characters on setup night specifically to avoid D1 claim thunderdomes. Can confirm.

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Thank you, Tan.

Update OP :angry:

This was mentioned in the OP for the signup thread. It was my understanding that players would have kept those rules in mind and that they generally did not need to be reposted here.

I forgot the original op.

The Demon will additionally be told three characters that are not in play, to serve as safe claims. They may claim any of these, none of these, or simply hand the claims off to Minions; however they think they will be best served.

From the sign-ups thread.

I think I need to take a break from this thread for a bit before I start yelling at Magnus for not reading the rules of the set-ups for threads he signs up for, basically ever

Iā€™ll be back in a bit, have fun without me

I did read it!

There, I edited the OP for this thread to clarify that the rules are visible in the OP for the signup thread (because I canā€™t be bothered to recopy them all), and even linked the OP of the signup thread. Now hopefully this alleviates any further issues of not remembering game rules. Youā€™re actually not the first to take this issue, Magnus, so Iā€™m not gonna be upset with you.




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i dont think youā€™re getting it.
unless you can prove to me that you cannot be the other evils, either through conclusive mechanics (nearly impossible in BotC) or by what you would do if you were them made by other people before yourself

A minor exception

an exception to the actions being pointed out by someone else first is if they are exclusive actions for that particular role, i.e. actions that no matter what, based on that characterā€™s possible information, are exclusively better than not doing that action, and that would certainly be known to be available. an example would be locking in the last vote necessary to execute someone mechanically confirmed (and semi-publicly mechanically confirmed) to be the last town necessary to die for evil to win. i leave this out because unless purposely engineered these almost never happen, even less that conclusive mechanical confirmation in BotC, in my opinion

then in my opinion you could be. plus the fact that if you are town it doesnt particularly hurt to execute you, for executing a town, plus how difficult it would be to try and lynch someone else, and you become the optimal lynch in my opinion for the time being.

now, i highly doubt youā€™d be able to conclusively mechanically confirm that you are not those roles to my standards, and i find the second point unlikely for you to pull off. your remaining moves to try and convince me not to vote you are to change either of the last two variables. either explain why, if we assume that town makes a mislynch today, you are particularly bad for town, or show a lynch that is better enough or easy enough to switch to that the benefit of executing them instead of you outweighs the work required to convince others to go along with it.
so, unless you can introduce a brand new variable and convince me that it is relevant, thats it. those are your moves here.

except that i dont really see that as an argument. regardless of how long youā€™ve played you could have either made a mistake or are doing in intentionally as a weird way to gain cred, same with the bottom part,

i dont think that was quite the case. i think eevee knew you were saying you were ravenkeeper, that you werent thunderdomed with monk, but either disagreed or just ignored it as not quite relevant, as you could have easily said you were monk, fully ready to fake claim as that, only to backtrack to ravenkeeper upon finding out theres another monk claim

dead anyone can lock in a vote once.

can. now that hes been found out and is counting on it, odds that storyteller doesnt allow it to win the game for town.

:\ you should really only vote for one or two, so as to try and avoid a tie

so i just jumped forward to where wazza pinged me, and apparently theyā€™re open wolfing now? aight.

some reactiontests can work on players who can consistently not tmi. like some town-scanning reactiontests, or some meta ones.
for example, look at the reactiontest fk used on me in LotR FM. he said that someone flipped scum something (im pretty sure it was scum and not town), and what did i think of it. i hadnt read the thread yet and so i said something like ā€œhaha yeah reactiontest spottedā€ and then he told me how he was sad that i had detected the reactiontest, because he had put a lot of work into it, even creating a fake flip. he then asked me if i would check it to see if there were any details in it that he messed up that were detectable, to see if i would have seen through it. i look at it, and say that while it appears pretty good at a first glance, i think there are a couple discrepencies if you look a bit closer.
lo and behold: that flip wasnt fake at all. they really did flip that way. and i was reaction-tested as town.

granted i turned out to be a neutral, but i was playing toward town for most of the game anyway.

Simon did you see my post about how youā€™re a top Demon candidate


Nobody is CCing ravenkeeper and magnus is not in an actual thunderdome with me

What do you think about my Simon theory

Can we hang Simon tomorrow

eevee has given reason for me to thonk that simon isnā€™t scum(or at the very least, demon)

Which sorta narrows down Areteā€™s Demon POE to me/magnus. Even though i was hesitant about magnus as demon earlier.

My biggest hesitation with Magnus is the thunderdome going on, it would sort of imply that he and a Minion accidentally CCā€™d each other or else that he ā€¦ claimed a non-bluff role for fun?

His insistence on not realizing the Demon got bluffs kind of reminds me of the thing heā€™s done a few times where he pretends not to know mechanics as scum

I have some mildly spicy information that I could drop on this thread but I think Eevee would probably prefer that I wait

I mean, your mildly spicy information isnā€™t even full information.

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Plusā€¦ it wonā€™t change anything right now.