Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

Personally…I think its on the opposite side of the table. I think Maxwell is cleared of scum team.

Demon kills were also Magnus. Anyone who knows how he plays, he’s got no method to his madness.

Post the claims list again for me Italy.

He killed the FT, which you could chalk up to luck
Then he immediately killed the empath, which is a bit suspicious.
Afterwards roles are revealed, but he still seems to be systematically working to taking down all investigation type roles



I still think Kyo was random.

His last kill was on the monk, taking out our only protective and the ONLY surekill. Lack of coordination suggests baron, which means the butler and saint are legit. Also means there’s a drunk…likely Simon. There’s still a fabled…so ONE person has a malfunction. If we can find that person, we can find another Townlock.

my lungs have already taken enough damage spending all this time underwater

In my eyes, one of Arete/Marshal is Baron…other is Fabled Townsfolk.

@Marshal you still got a slayer shot?

nope it failed on Director

See this I don’t like. Your only proof of class was wasted with no proper go-ahead from Eevee to do it. Its a VERY easy class to fakeclaim.

So is Mayor, though.

then we do this the old fashioned way loads shotgun

@Tangeld When is nomination phase?

Hey tan, do we get to break out the human-sized firework rockets again?

Nomination phase opens twelve hours after the start of the day, like it has every day so far.


I consulted with eevee vefore the shiot

@eevee This true?

Tan, that’s not a no.
I’m grabbing the rocket, and we’re having a proper execution for once

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@Arete if you also want to weigh in on the situation.

Wazza also claimed to be the Mayor; Arete likely had a chance to change that claim but didnt…since he’s most likely Mayor. I think the scum team looks like this:

Demon Imp - Magnus CONF.
Wazza - Poisoner CONF.
Scarlet Woman - Isaac
Baron - Marshal

I don’t think Possessed would make up that particular flip but I do think it’s possible he’s Drunk/Poisoned

Either way Isaac is a decent kill

also in any world where Wazza and I were evil, Shuri had slipped Saint to me, and I would have told him not to CC him since Eevee was saying he was basically confirmed