Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

/Fabled Townsfolk

This is basically saying you think iā€™m not ravenkeeper :eyes:

Its possible, but wouldnā€™t ALL my results be wrong then? Italy confirms Ravenkeeper.

Eh, I had a live game on the Discord a couple nights ago where I was Drunkdertaker and hit true info after the first execution

Yes but this is tan
do you expect her to give you N1 correct results if youā€™re malfunctioning

Your results would be arbitrary and could include some true ones

also Italy could be evil

i mean if i was evil i wouldnā€™t be helping you find the imp

Yeesh. Well, ill definitely know after an Isaac killā€¦assuming ill still get my results after I die.

You donā€™t

Nope, you donā€™t get results the night you die

Unless youā€™re Ravenkeeper

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IIts just weird thenā€¦the hosts would be deliberately messing with me on these flips.

Anyways I have to go to class

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Ugh. So well never know what Isaac is until End of Game :frowning:

oh itā€™s happening
pewdiepie is playing terraria

Pls no pewds

So you say that scum killed Nerbins n1?

This still doesnā€™t add up.

Well scum definitely killed Nerbins. If Arete is what he says, at some point he might have been a targetā€¦and as a target, if heā€™s killed a random gets killed instead.

Btw who did you guard? Not that it matters since Demon went for the big brain kill the protector play.

Ill also be 100% shocked there is a Spy in this game, but if there isā€¦its not anyone near Wazza or Magnus. They blind claimed.
