Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

Hey Wazza, how close am I?

Actually wait. @eevee question for you: Did Magnus and Isaacs slot whisper you their claim D1?

Magnus blind claiming means nothing, since you claim they are imp.

Imp has fakeclaims anyway.

Thatā€™s also what doesnā€™t add up.

  1. Arete
  2. Shurian
  3. Marshal
  4. DirectorHail
  5. Simon
  6. Frostwolf103 (replaced by Isaac_Gonzalez)
  7. Maxwell
  8. Possessed

We currently have 8 alive. If we assume we donā€™t want to go for a Mayor win, and that evil hits all their kills (which they should, if they donā€™t sink any nor go for me and have Tan sink one):
-We execute: 7 alive
-Someone dies: 6 alive
-We execute: 5 alive
-Someone dies: 4 alive
At this point we should force the Demon to kill in most circumstances, bringing it to
-3 alive

This means we get 3 executions this game and need to hit the Demon with 1 of them

This also means that if we can absolutely confirm 5 people as not the Demon, we canā€™t lose. Not sure we can at this point, but.

I think Possessedā€™s theory is that Isaac is a Minion, Magnus is a Demon, and they doubled up because they didnā€™t coordinate.

It means everything, Dear Watson. What was the whole point of us forcing claims D1? So that we get claims before scum can fake them. Scum werenā€™t able to coordinate claims D1, so Magnus guessed Soldier since that was one of three claims.

Isaacs slot guessed Soldier as well. Perhaps Isaac is actually the spy who knew Soldier wasnā€™t in play but took that claim before they could coordinate?

If we think Isaac is Spy then heā€™s not SW, and therefore not currently the Demon

He could also have guessed something easy-to-fake

I think whatever Isaac is, heā€™s a minion. Its the only explanation why Magnus would have 3 fakeclaims of roles not in the game and 1 of those fake roles was claimed. They couldnā€™t coordinate until they knew each other on the first night.

I mean he likely started as Minion, if your info is trustworthy, but if your info is trustworthy weā€™re looking for someone who started as a Minion

Were the final votes for D2 ever posted? With Magnus and Isaac both nominated, and Wazza getting executed, scum likely bussed to save their Demon

@Tangeld can you post the D2/D3 vote spreadsheet?


Magnus also couldnā€™t have gotten information from his neighbors, as at some point a townsfolk interupts the flow of traffic. If Maxwell was a minion, Magnus and Isaac would have had a steady flow of traffic to fakeclaim without the need of public whispers.

The vote yesterday wonā€™t tell much since Magnus was outted scum. Theyā€™d HAVE to vote him.

Likeā€¦last two votes were caught scum.

Eh, they could have voted Isaac, couldnā€™t they? Actually, if Magnus was Demon and Isaac SW, voting Magnus would kind of make sense for evil.

Thatā€™s true. I think only Shurian voted Isaac.

If Maxwell is scum heā€™s exactly Spy, and therefore not currently the Demon

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Odds that Eevee was a starpass are roughly 0

I think if Iā€™m going order of executions, Iā€™m going Isaac > Marshal > Director/Arete. Is there any mechanics that could maybe save me from demon? Knowing Isaacs flip is SO VITAL.

The Demon could decide to attack someone else