Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

oh I thought they’d whispered first

take that one off

whats ur poe arete

We can solve this with the “master weird vote thing” today

trust me when i say that accounting for every possibility is a misleading venture, especially in this game.
ive personally gone for it a number of times,

thats not how that works.
if you account for everypossibility you generally only find information which you already know, but in a different form. if you want a plan for the future you cant account for is the nature of plans. no plan survives contact with the enemy in a slightly complex scenario.

there are technically other possibilities, like ‘Maxwell was drunk/Poisoned and Shurian got lucky’ but I’m ignoring them at this point

id you want to be frank, its possible that the drunk thinks they’re the spy

but i dont think we should account for that possibility

no we can’t

Hail just hasn’t been voting, which is both compliant with the Butler rules and useless for proving things wrong

I don’t thknk that’s how it works

Drunk can’t think they’re evil or another outsider you nut

spy can be town.
drunk think they’re a town

I … think Simon might be right …

what the fuck

stuff like this is why you cant account for everything if you want to either make progress or keep your sanity

Hmm that would be pretty wack.

But I don’t think that’s the case here because wouldn’t they know each other at night?

angry and confused dialup noises

Arete do you claim spy?

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you have to go for the plan that accounts for the most things while still being viable
you have to strike a balance

my point here is that there are various obvious possibilities that Marshal is failing to account for

If arete is spy we move on.

I’m not the Spy and if I were the Spy you’d all be fucked