Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

well, they’d receive a false copy of the grimoire at night, one which shows them as spy

also Marshal I am in fact not stupid enough to fall for ‘do you claim X evil class’ as a reactiontest

arete should i go ask the guys in the BotC server if drunk can think they’re spy

yes please

point is, even the spy cannot account for every possibility
and this is the least complex version of the game.
so if marshal’s plan accounts for a lot of them, im game

Honestly if arete claims spy Simon is right.
We could lynch maxwell instead


your reactiontest is bad and you should feel bad

technically tho, anything the ST says can happen, can happen. even if they’re mistaken.

idk if its supposed to work that way, but it could

Well since you knew it was a reactiontest ur town reaction is nullified.

Scum is between arete/maaaaaybe maxwell through starpass*

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this part was a joke to be clear

Arete do you think I am demon?

marshal the point of that was that theres no way it would actually happen, because i doubt the storyteller would do that


I think that if you’re evil, you’re a Minion

hence why we dont account for everything

personally I think ‘Simon is evil’ is a reasonable thing to account for and ‘the Drunk thinks they’re the Spy’ is not

If arete claimed spy it’s obv that they are demon tryna self-preserve

But they knew my test and therefore didn’t grab the bait

why would anyone self-preserve by claiming scum???

whats ur poe @Arete

Maxwell is probably clear because he’s sitting next to Wazza and could’ve told Wazza there was a Mayor in play

your differentiating between stuff like that, and thats a bad path too
im not arguing on whether or not im evil, because thats not my motive here. my motive is to get yall to plan correctly.
whether a particular thing is something to account for doesnt matter most of the time, you just gotta go for the plan that covers the most possibilities, while still making progress, and is also feasible to accomplish.

its impossible to do all 3 fully. a balance must be stricken