Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

Doesn’t TK stand for ‘town killer’?

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I thought it meant team killed?

It can.

Can be both.

Anyways. Wazza spew is confirming my results to be right and he’s trying to make it seem like they have 2 alive.

I think its one, and its Marshal.

I get i’m not the most trusted.

but look at the nerd who pushed for hail to die.

I only let that happen because I didn’t think i’d get the votes for arete

hail’s a second outsider

the thing I’m torn on is the thing where he was trying to get himself lynched yesterday

if it had worked and he’s the Demon, he’d basically have been screwed

a third if you include the possibility of a drunk

until you realize we’re out of baron suspects

In that case hail is just minion.

still… a non-demon that arete pushed

Arete is the evil here.

Wazza spewed them as scum with their fake “outing as town”

Ah, yes, voting order. Let’s see, Wazza was nominated, which made Maxwell the vote, Maxwell voted yes, so it went to Magnus, who sent two messages without voting, defaulted to pardon, so… Now we’re on Possessed, who has also spoken more than once, but admittedly wasn’t aware of his turn to vote (while Magnus definitely was), so @Possessed, care to cast a vote rather quickly or do you not wish to vote on Wazza?

Either way i think wazza doing whatever he did with arete is simply trying to get something to change about the gamestate


That’s scientifically not possible, not this late into the game anyway, I mean, if they did so, why would not get majority lol, even a wifom between demon and minion would be game changing.

Who’s even alive…


Simon is Drunk. Marshal is Slayer. Arete is Mayor.
Well Arete is not dead, that gives me a little bit more peace of mind.

The thing is the Fabled could be ANYONE without an active ability.
Even Marshal. Even Possessed. But possessed seems good too

Hold on. What the fish help

I did not vote yes. Simon’s interpretation of my middle voting declaration was wrong.

I voted no.

If hail was baron then simon is just the channel-mastered.

Wait no
Dont vote
Why u using ur vote
Ur dead