Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

Who did?

Okay, everything to do with what youā€™re trying to do is giving me a headache. Please, find someone to sub for you because trying to interpret this last command for your ghost vote is something that it doesnā€™t seem anyone is capable of.

U only have 1 vote for the whole game left dont use it now its too uncertain

Huh what wasnt he butler or something
Wait how long have I been out of the loop

I thought that demon PoE was down to me and arete.

But hail was still somehow lynched.

I was more than fine with me lynched, arete lynched, but i couldnā€™t stop a hail lynch.

Hail literally canā€™t be Baron

if you take out Hail thereā€™s a maximum of 2 outsiders (Shurian and an arbitrary Drunk) which means that thereā€™s not a Baron, therefore Hail canā€™t be the Baron

I think Isaac was Baron Tbh.

waaait wait wait wait.

hail iiiiis next to simon.

they could be W/W who planned for simon to look like drunk

I thought the demon poe was down to you and arete too

Im more than certain Simon is drunk. I cant see any other possibilities.
Fabled could be anyone else.

Also, Possessed spoke again so his vote on Wazza is defaulted to no. Next vote lands on @KyoDaz.


Huh?? I canā€™t ghostspeak?

You can, but weā€™re now using clockhand voting, which means that if you speak your vote is assumed to be a no

No I dunno man
Doing that is wtf levels

What am I voting on @Tangeld ?


Hail was arete-nominated and arete-pushed.
Me and maxwell were areteā€™s biggest pushers. Figures that maxwell would die.

Good-aligned dead are voting no (but this is the vote on Wazzaā€™s corpse)

I sent the message earlier that for the last round (or two, if no-lynch today), your turn to vote is defaulted to pardon if you speak more than once during said turn. I announced that your turn was up after youā€™d already spoken, and so I pinged you to notify you that your next message ought to be a vote. You spoke without voting, so youā€™re defaulted to not spending a ghostvote on Wazza.

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you were voting on waz but your vote already defaulted to no

I donā€™t know why I let the hail kill happen now that I think of it.

one ghost vote could have ended this thang

Oh thats still okay why the fish will you use a ghostvote on wazza
No tangeld whats this