Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

I’ve been aware Maxwell was Lib since before claims were posted

If you’re talking about the Empath thing that was a reaction test

No more than 2

They can’t kamikaze bomb, but the baron’s best play is to get theirself lynched to waste time, and the imp can kill theirself to make another minion the imp

Imp can self-kill at night (or kill a Minion)

The joke was that the demon has to be alive right now, but there’s a max of 4 evils

Ah okay then I’m more than happy with a no lynch

For some reason I thought
“If have 2 scum alive, minion suicides and imp kills and we gg”

2 are alive right now

unless hail was scum

which I doubt and think that was a pretty bad execution

At least 1 scum is dead


magnus and wazza

At least 2 scum are dead

Shurian dropped the pizzas :eyes:

Do you think Magnus was a Minion or the Demon?

what? no imp can definitely target one of their minions to kill them

ah but no minons cannot kill themselves

demon bruh

Simon, Italy was referring to the Kamikaze (which was actually renamed to the Boomdandy because the name “Kamikaze” has a certain racial insensitivity to it), a minion whose ability procs upon their own execution and kills everyone save the Demon and two other players (who cannot both be evil).