Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

But Maxwell saw you as Saint, and you never talked about that, so they would need to be able to explain that as well

By which I mean ā€˜you never talked to each other before claiming to eevee, so you couldnā€™t have coordinatedā€™

There was 0 communication yep
But then again, theyā€™ll go off on the off chance that I was lucky and claimed Saint without knowing anything

I honestly dont see any way me and Max could have coordinated claims before this

Me: Yes Iā€™m totally that thing that turns into the demon

I donā€™t either

If you were star-passed-to Spy you would have known that you were one of the people Maxwell saw (assuming real Lib) but not what specifically heā€™d seen you as

I guess you could have eliminated every in-play outsider and gotten lucky?? but that feels improbable

I have free communication with Italy and Shurian

Shurian has free communication with me and Marshal

Simon has free communication with Hail and Nerbins

Wellā€¦ I didnt communicate with Marsh at all after he used his Slayer shot

And you know what I talked with you (tho, it wasnt that much)

@TrustworthyLiberal nvm keep my slot since ur online, good luck


Simey Simey
Blinkey Simey

This is F3 I need to go through the listā€¦

Screw it you know what reads>>>Mechs

/nominate Simon

angry noises

Itā€™s either shurian or simon here

I am persoanly of the believe that it has to be Simon let me make a case on Why for either of the ones i feel it isnā€™t.

Marshal was either a demon self killing or a bounce off of mayor i donā€™t think it os any other option.

Shu i mechanically prove we have the outsider and they claimed before information was avilible to counter act this and i canā€™t be drunk as there would then only be two outsiders and not the thrid meaning there is no Baron. The means Shu I either the best guessed of all time of lock town.

Arete the lol makes sense wity the bounce i am suprosed more attacks were not targeting them maybe they were and explains the random deaths who knows. If we trust this we just Lynch Simon since it brings the same results and incase of a poisoner last night coming from simon and a marshall self nurse gurenties the win.

Simon if you are Town defend yourselves right now

If anyone has something to say, they should say it.

Hail is our Butler and our Drunk is probably somewhere else
It could even be Italy, Marshal, Isaac, even Possessed.
But we wont ever know haiz.

Possessed isnt Drunk so

Personally, I am in favor of a No-Lynch here.

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Yeah sorry I did sub in and I plan to stick it through for better or worst. (Also i be a distraction right now.)


That snap nominate is concerning

If Possessed was healthy sober Good etc. Italy isnā€™t Drunk (though maybe he could be channel-master-influenced, not sure how Tan handles that one)