Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

Watch Simon nominate me and you nominate yourself

No if you trust Arete as Mayor donā€™t risk a no Lynch just got Simon honestly to many problums could arise due to poison or drunk

We should have 4 people vote to execute Marshal, and 4 people to execute shurian or arete
Obviously the 4 people to execute shurian/arete should be the final people on the list so scum canā€™t pop in and screw things up

Iā€™m worried Iā€™m Drunk or similar

Poison gone
Drunk? Possibility.

Why take the in needed risk I what i am saying

I literally trust Arete on this Mayor thing
We win game this round

@Simon nominate arete

arete is the baddie here like 70% of the time

Im dead

I trust arete for a number of reasons (Namely, I know areteā€™s scumgame now :upside_down_face:)
It has to be simon or shurian and signs point to simon

Weā€™ll execute you anyways

I donā€™t trust arete here.

i obviously am the minority but im pretty sure itā€™s arete. Simon has no motivation to kill me, only shurian and arete.

and shurian is confirmed

so it is arete

I nominate marsh-
angrily throws nonexistant hat on ground

Simon I the vote here and where mine will be going so that itā€™s out there

vote arete

The world that makes the most sense to me is the one where Marshal was Demon and Simon was Minion, and that was a starpass because Marshal knew he was getting lynched

But none of the possible worlds really make sense to me

Arete has no motivation to kill you.
Youā€™re practically in a social thunderdome here

You were supposed to destroy the nerds not join them

please vote arete here.

I would have nominated + pushed arete, and arete would do the same to me.

simon, as demon, wins by killing shuri. A.K.A. Simon is town