Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

still counts


Fine fine, geez.
You’re so loud.
You’re free now

but thats not including empath

Yeah but everything involving the empath is irrelevant when it comes to Shur since empath was never next to them

who was empath?


okay so its just a 1/10 chance of poisoner targetting lib n1

Wazza outright claimed to have poisoned kyo

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Does malfunctioning require the storyteller to give a result that isn’t real?

What in the actual fuck

No. :upside_down_face:

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@Italy…can you protect my ashes? I know we’re both dead but I was just sneezed out by Nerbins.

You have been scattered into the wind
goodbye forever

we working through problems one at a time cant blame me for stuff like this when you dont tell me and ive expressly stated multiple times that not to long ago i had no idea what went into shurian being confirmed.
what results did kyo get that night?

Wazza is gone
Reduced to atoms

Shut up, you can’t scatter me, you are at the bottom of the ocean.

Also, must I say, Tangeld killed all their friends for the sake of killing a demon and is still probably going to fail.

So what’s your stance on Duri now, buddy ol’ pal

Nah. If she actually cared about killing the demon, she’d just tell us WHO THE DAMN DEMON WAS, TAN