Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

Who the bloody hell’s Duri?

She would’ve told us but I owed her two bucks before she died and she took it out on the rest of the town

Oh. Tan doesn’t actually know.

Shurian the Durian

Well, she figured it out eventually. But at first she didn’t know.

we working on it.
im going through all the info one layer at a time because nobody can be bothered to give me a proper explanation

(n1 that is)

what is durian

A zero

It’s a smelly spiky fruit

You fool! You’ve fallen for one of the classic blunders!
The most well known being never get into a land war in Asia
and the only slightly less known one being never go up a Sicilian when death is on the line
But the much less known one is this: Never ask who Duri is!

It’s the king of sports-no, wait, that’s tennis. Durian is the king of fruits.


Finally a god damn intellectual on this forum. Took long enough

basketball is the best sport

I mean, most people will tell you that it tastes like rotten cheese, but clearly they do not have the refined palette of a gourmand!

Guess the constant taste of blood eventually makes you enjoy food more.
This is the third time, isn’t it?

How do you keep coming back?
Your limbs were severed from your body!

But I’m Chrono. I used PD.

We all know you’re timesnatcher

It just dawned on me
Who’d you check?

Because I died at day