Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

…if we have a real slayer, do NOT make day slays without consorting Eevee, our master of whispers.

You could have reacted in such a way as to make it obvious that you were actually the Demon, or conversely obvious that you aren’t

Your reaction makes you think you aren’t the Demon, based on the “Oh. No, you didn’t.” but based on how annoyed you’re getting over this reactiontest and how you’re using this for shadethrowing for no good reason I think there’s a good chance you’re evil.

No, you’ve also just fished me not being Slayer as well.
You have limited slayer PoE by two people.

Your ‘reaction test’ failed miserably and ended being anti-town.
What person would actually believe that you’d shoot d1 as Slayer?
It’s pointless, wastes a shot AND the potential for Scarlet Woman is there.

i mean technically your the one saying you arent slayer.
nothing arete has done prevents you from being slayer

What you have achieved:

Limiting Slayer PoE by two people

They’ve had me slip that I didn’t know Slayer’s ability was day.

It’s not my fault you didn’t know how Slayer worked

Last time I was Slayer I shot D2

Or public, actually.

No, it’s your fault you intentionally chose me as a target (new to this setup entirely) which is why you most likely chose me.

I can explain why I actually chose you, if you want.

which you could have easily not-known since your role card says the same thing as the public information. if you hadnt asked before hand you wouldnt know, the same as if you werent slayer

it’s not like this is the first time I’ve made the mistake of assuming players will actually read the role list

I do read the rolelist, but I can’t exactly remember every detail of around 20 roles.

i mean this is assuming they chose you because you were new
which whether their evil or town is not necessarily a safe assumption

intentionality isnt always there, for anyone

In any case: for various reasons, I think it’s possible that Eevee is evil and attempting to set up a massclaim in whispers to him so that evil can get more information (particularly if they don’t have a Spy). Since you were specifically supporting that strategy, I theorized that it was lowkey possible that you and him were evil together, and you seemed reasonably likely to fall for ‘I’m the Slayer and I just shot you’ if you were actually the Demon (due to the thing you mentioned about you being new).

evil doesnt know whether or not they have a spy until they whisper with each other

Simon, it was blatantly obvious Arete’s whole motive behind going for me was that I am new to the setup.
It would have obviously failed either way.

Eh, the newness thing was intentional but I have a tendency to assume that people have a better memory for this sort of detail than they actually do.

your assuming theres a motive like that.
im saying there may not be a motive for choosing you in particular.
not what that motive is, that there is no motive