Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]


Are nominations open?

so it was.
i stand by my argument that it may not have been, until said otherwise

I am saying that Areteā€™s whole reaction test was on the grounds that I was new.
It would never have worked on anyone that isnā€™t new, period.

No matter the motive.
To fish me as not Slayer or to try and catch me as Demon.
It is on the grounds that I am new. It would be pointless otherwise.

it could have, idk how reactiontests work really but even non-new players would give a reaction.
how valuable that reaction is, sure, but they would still, by definition, give a reaction

Kyo is flailing

Read the tone of his reaction and tell me itā€™s natural

Flailing? Excuse me?
My tone is exactly natural, and itā€™s in my entire motive to support a dictatorship.

Nominations are not yet open.

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The day is 4 hours old, nominations will be open in 8 hours.

Breaking my eevee whisper to say arete bad.

As someone known for shitty reactiontests, i can spot a shitty reactiontest. And let me say, areteā€™s test is a whole new level of abhorrent.

Arete was confbiased the whole time. No matter what kyo did, arete was gonna scumread him.

NAI reaction, misunderstanding mechanics.

I canā€™t really gauge this reaction very well. Maybe kyo isnā€™t demon? thatā€™s all i really gleaned from this.

arete goes full shade here. Not only assuming kyo is the demon(and not a minion), but shading him hard for what wasnt really an AI reaction.

Please explain this more @Arete
How is this scummy? Iā€™ll admit, it isnā€™t townie, but ā€œOh. No you didnā€™t.ā€ isnā€™t a very scum AI comment.

Basically arete explain your argument without just saying ā€œkyo bad kyo flainingā€ plz.

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ā€¦This was still part of the reactiontest, Marshal.

Burden of proof is on the prosecution, arete. Tell me why itā€™s unnatural

Iā€™m being targetted for being a new player and itā€™s disgusting.
If I want anybody out itā€™s going to be Arete.
Their reaction test I believe was primarily to fish out Slayer reads.

The ā€œOh. No you didnā€™t.ā€ is fine, thatā€™s specifically what makes me think heā€™s probably not the Demon.

The scummy part is (a) the entire tone of his responses afterwards, which is very forced and unnatural, and (b) the way he uses it as an excuse to throw shade on me without actually justifying it properly.

I donā€™t see what reaction you ever get out of ā€œwhy, because you are have scarlet wamen!ā€

thats justā€¦ shade.

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Again, Arete so far has contributed

  • Shade
  • Slayer reads to the scum team

They should be going this nomination.

ā€¦okay, think about this logically for a moment. I, knowing that Iā€™m not the real Slayer, know that Kyo isnā€™t actually going to die no matter what he is.

And his reaction was in fact consistent with ā€˜Demon who knows thereā€™s a SW alive,ā€™ so I was curious how heā€™d react to that particular suggestion.

i feel like arete had the idea from the beginning of

ā€œI am going to shade kyodaz for this testā€.

why. how.

what posts were unnatural. What about them were unnatural.

I can say anything without evidence.

I think areteā€™s posts are indicative that they had a light breakfast this morning

This contributes nothing, without any evidence.

Literally all of them after I admitted it was a reactiontest, Marshal

All of them are using it as an excuse to attack me on the grounds that itā€™s ā€œā€œblatantly-anti-townā€ā€ and making it seem like a far bigger deal than it actually is, and if you actually look at the tone itā€™s terrible

are you looking at the tone of the posts because I donā€™t know how to explain it better than that