Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

Did you read my Demon PoE wallpost?

I’m working from very very incomplete incomplete information but I think it’s correct given the information I have

(this is directed at Eevee)

if this is toward me, i would like to point out that i laid out your options for you. if you try and use stuff ive told you wont work for me thats on you.

can confirm eevee has reasons for why im not demon. and these are/were reasons determined by him, without my input or defense.
as for whether or not we lynch me tomorrow, ill talk about it when we get there

It is missing a bit of stuff.

Not bad tho.

Anything more right now would help scum make a kill rather than help us, considering lack of nominations.

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Okay i’m back. I needed to talk to you Eevee.
/Whisper Eevee

That’s assuming that most of the information that we have is correct

If anyone lied its a hella lynch zone for scum

Due to the sheer number of double-claims + Wazza openwolfing we have Minions limited to a very narrow pool, which means information that’s untrustworthy due to people lying is pretty unlikely at this point

obviously Drunk is a role that we think is in play and Tan is using Channel-Master so information is not 100 percent reliable

This also assumes that most townies aren’t lying about anything

*lying to Eevee about anything


What the fuck why did our slayer claim shoot on the first day

I’m also pretty confident in Eevee being town at this point, when Wazz and I were whispering he was trying to get me to distrust him

plus if he were scum he could have coordinated claims with evils to get them to not double up so much

wait fuck I meant to put that in neighbor chat with Shurian

Arete Is Not Very Good At Things

Oh yes is big brain time

@DirectorHail, @Nerbins, and @Isaac_Gonzalez, you three have not voted on any nominations today. If you do not vote, you will be considered pardoning.

@eevee and @Magnus, you have only voted on one nomination today.

@Shurian and @KyoDaz, you have only voted on two nominations today.

@Italy, @Simon, @Maxwell and @Possessed, you have voted on three of our four nominations.

If these missing votes are not accounted for, they will be defaulted to pardon.

Voting will close and the day will end in twelve hours. Please submit your votes before then.

/hand down Marshal

Who’s the last one?

I’m fine with default pardon.

I voted hands down on arete :reee:

You have yet to vote on Arete’s nomination, Shurian. To be frank, the only people who have voted on Arete’s nomination have voted on everything else as well.

/hand down Arete

Imagine if everyone is nominated…