Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

If I survive today, i’ve already mapped out how the night will go.

Kay I just ISOed Waz and found nothing from before they openwolfed besides them whispering Maxwell despite being their neighbor. Also his “thunderdome” with Arete but I’m already pretty sure Arete’s good so that didn’t really give me much besides me being more certain.
/hands down Arete

Waz is claiming undertaker fakeclaiming poisoner fakeclaiming saint fake claiming may…you get the idea

I think he might be bad

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waz challenged me to best of 5 RPS but that died when i asked him how we were gonna play without anyone cheating

the stakes were if i won he’d tell me the demon (even though he’d probably lie anyways)

Lol Wazza




Voting phase has now ended. All unsubmitted votes will be registered as hands down. Please wait while the vote totals are processed.

Tan finished counting the votes as her smile grew wider and wider. By the last ballot, she was positively beaming. “Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time… Italy shall be executed!”

Italy simply narrowed his eyes at Tan. “You’re enjoying this too much.”

“Why wouldn’t I be? I’ve got something special in mind for you…” As Tan spoke, she pointed toward the bluffs outside of town.



“Tan, no!”

Tan, YES! It’s been a long time coming, Italy. You’re gonna fly!”

An hour later, Italy found himself at the edge of town, lying in the grass with a rope tied around his ankles as Tan finished tying knots.

“We’re really bringing this back, aren’t we?”

“There’s no better way to bring the old gal back into service than by making you her next victim, Italy.”

“All of this, just to fling me into the ocean with a trebuchet?”

Tan finished her work and stood back. “Nope, I’m flinging you into the ocean with a catapult. Get it right, you dunce.”

“Tan, I’m clearly tied to a trebuchet. This is even worse than the reef kno-“

The ground itself seemed to shake as a massive catapult arm ripped through the ground, sending Italy, the entire trebuchet to which he had been tied, and the chunk of ground on which said trebuchet had been resting, far into the ocean. All the citizens of Ravenswood Bluff could hear the distant splash.

Tan simply smiled. “Quite a sendoff, my dear. You did me proud at last.”

Marshal turned to Tan. “Aren’t we worried that he’s gonna get himself untied and swim back?”

“He won’t be getting loose anytime soon. I tied a reef knot.”

Italy has been executed and Night 2 falls. Please send in your night actions if you have any.


“Good morning, everyone!” The ghosts of Tangeld and Priestess zipped through the streets, rousing those who had yet to wake and shepherding the citizens toward the town square for the day’s events.

“Well, you two are awfully chipper today…”

Tan giggled. “Why wouldn’t we be? The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and almost everyone survived the night!”

“Wait, almost?..”

Nerbins’ ghost came drifting into the square, head hung low. “Well, that didn’t take very long… Man, it’s no fun being dead…”

Priestess placed her hand on Nerbins’ shoulder (or tried as best she could). “Don’t worry, you still get to help your living friends. Plus there are some perks to being a ghost.”

Nerbins scratched his chin for a moment. “Wait a second… since I’m a ghost now, does that mean that I know who everyone is like you two do?”

Tan’s smile immediately vanished. “Nope. We’re not doing it like that. Stop asking.”

Nerbins has been slain in the night. Day 2 has begun, and the discussion phase is now open.

A reminder to all players that dead players who neighbor you still count as neighbors for the purpose of whispers; you don’t get to freely whisper someone on the other side of a corpse.

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/Whisper @eevee

Also, friendly reminder that Ghosts aren’t that dead as in other games…

@eevee , @Italy, @Arete, @Shurian, @Marshal, @DirectorHail, @Simon, @Nerbins

@Isaac_Gonzalez @Wazza, @Maxwell, @Magnus, @Possessed, @KyoDaz

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Looks like you need to practice tying knots, tan. I slipped out easily. Should’ve at least gotten someone who could tie a knot right.

…I wasn’t always transparent, was I?

I like transparent Italy better.


Tan, how’s the budget looking for execution methods?