Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]


Ever since some fool lowered the dead tax, our execution budget has skyrocketed.


I canā€™t believe people would undo all my hard work

donā€™t worry, I can raise it again

Since chances are none of you got it, I will explain. In the last game of TB I played, I was the mayor. I needed to win favor from the dead to execute the demon, so I did the only reasonable thing and said I would make a ā€œdead taxā€ for being a corpse, and then lower it to win favor, because who doesnā€™t like lowered taxes



also tan saying the dead tax exists confirms i was the former mayor :eyes:
i find it mildly believable that i lost the election to arete

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Who did you tell about your role except me?

Thatā€™s actually very important.

This kill makes no sense from uninformed mafia.
Nerbins was however our Fortune Teller.

I backout everything about spy not existing.

If they exist they are next to demon.
And they do exist, unless Nerbins outed his role to anyone else.

Even monk got name of undertaker to protect, not Fortune Teller.
This was perfect mafia kill.

And thatā€™s giving us way more info than if it didnā€™t happen tbh.

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The question isā€¦ who did Nerbins tell his role to.

If noone, then we have 2 neighboring scum, one of them being demon.

I do not believe that Nerbins would be killed randomly.

Doing an ISO heā€™s got one Whisper which is you. Gotta be one of his neighbors.

/whisper eevee a.k.a. @eevee
@eevee itā€™s extremely urgent

You seem to have fallen apart because the FT died.


/whisper eevee

Undertaker cover

itā€™s not really cover if we all know you arenā€™t undertaker

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Iā€™m still doing it.

And others should follow suit

I cant though :eyes:

Ah phooey ah piss ah heck ah hell ah darn ah damn ah crap ah shit this isnā€™t good now is it

Told no one but you funny enough