Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

It is exactly your fault you assumed that. I cannot remember every detail of the game on my first time.
That’s like asking someone to remember half of the Blue Dragon classes honestly.

How is it inconsistent?
I am saying that your fakeclaim you setup could easily be resurrected and not shutdown by the false statement that as Slayer it’s impossible you would’ve done that.

Okay, and why couldn’t the real Slayer just reclaim?

kinda is. you gotta gauge whether a test will get anything. Kyo’s reaction is exactly what someone who doesn’t get slayer would say. It would seem to him like you said something like " @HOST I AM THE PHYSICIAN, AND I AM INNOCULATING @Marshal. sense.Which makes little

i don’t like kyo’s points on you, but i really don’t like your points on him.

I like potatos and maybe Sylwia Grzesczak. She is my neigbour and makes great music.

what if you stop going at eachother’s throats because we could use some valid info

Now did you calm down from the confusion from my comment?

Good, now chill and analyse each other, rather than acussing in rage.

Mephet’s not on this script, Eevee, but I like where your head’s at.

I think i’ve actually been pretty calm but whatever

Tan leaking script :eyes:
nominates tan

what do you think of everything italy?

/whisper Simon

Accept it for a second.

That’s why I explained right away that it was a reactiontest, because I didn’t want any actual Slayers that might or might not exist to out themselves

I’ve explained this like six times Marshal

Marshal, you aren’t stupid, I don’t think ‘Kyo’s arguments make literally no sense when you think about them for more than five seconds’ actually needs the qualifier ‘which is scum-indicative because he’s inventing reasons to shadethrow me without considering if those reasons make sense’

Y … es. If you regularly play ToL, you should know how the ToL classes work. Like, obviously not everyone has as good of a memory as some people do, but … that’s the normal thing for normal players of ToL to do…

Kyo, yes or no, do you think it’s possible that I’m the Slayer here

i couldn’t care less about what’s going on because i know that the way this is playing out, i will inevitably thunderdome the demon on the very last day

it’s not nomination phase yet :stuck_out_tongue:

Since you can nominate the ST although it’s a pretty bad idea for obvious reasons, does that mean you can nom priestess? :eyes:

No, because I believe you are evil. Evil people cannot be Slayer.
Not because I believe you cannot be Slayer.
That question isn’t viable to ask me.


Eevee, master of the quiet winds

its the default setup (well, 1 of 3, but its arguably the least complex) for BotC, just forum-ized

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“facts and logic” arete is usually scum arete but :man_shrugging: