Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

What Arete’s claim did

  • Did absolutely nothing to help town
  • Fished out reads for scum to use, potentially fishing the actual slayer
  • Sets up a potential future slayer claim to fakeclaim. They’ve also said that they shot D2 as Slayer once, so shooting that early to be unbelievable isn’t an argument. This would be a viable claim or Arete’s end.
  • Screws flips when someone claims slayer in the future and can stop a person being cleared of Demon.

What they claim they tried to do

  • Fish a demon claim

This is why Arete should be going to the gallows.

What Marshal is doing right now is known as the “Chainsaw Defense”

which is essentially where rather than actually looking at the evidence against someone, you defend them by attacking the person attacking them. While this isn’t universally done as scum – I’m sure we’ve all had the experience of thinking ‘X is attacking Y, and X is obviously scum, so Y is probably fine’ – it does indicate that if Kyo turns out to be scum, Marshal is very likely to also be scum.

no arete.

quote the posts. pick apart what was unnatural.

HOW! HOW! WHAT did they use an excuse to attack you. WHAT about the tone is terrible.

You can say anything is bad or terrible, but i want to know WHY you find them terrible.

Okay, and using popular terminology =/= defense

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We don’t care what terminology he’s done
That’s like arguing someone’s done something based on terminology without arguing what he’s actually done

This… aint it cheif. I do think kyo is town. but that’s not the point.

But i’m not attacking you because you are saying kyo is scum. I’m attacking you because your reasoning isn’t very deep or well-thought-out.

‘KyoDaz is using OMGUS’
‘That’s not OMGUS’

Doesn’t matter about the terminology, it matters about what they’ve done
So explain what he’s actually done that’s clearly evil to you.
All you’ve done this game is newbie-witch-hunt and OMGUS.

and, for the record, kyo is relying on his newbieness too much. Grow up kyo.

But arete, explain what about kyo’s tone sucked.

The only hinderance about me being new is not being able to remember all of the details about the setup.

There’s an OP for you to read.

We’re all new to that, no? Has this set up been done?

Reading =/= remembering

False, we’re actually having a discussion now. Things are actually happening. In particular, your reaction has made it very obvious that you’re not town-aligned.

This part is correct

This part is not

Did you actually think about this bullet point, Kyo? If I were trying to use this to fakeclaim Slayer, then why did I immediately say ‘actually the Slayer claim was a bluff, I’m not the Slayer’

we don’t have flips in this game then w h y d i d I s a y i t w a s a b l u f f

Kyo’s third and fourth point here don’t actually make any logical sense if you think about them

Posting this theory mostly for post-game credit if I’m right: the only reason for Kyo’s third and fourth bullet point are because his list of two bullet points looked sad

The terminology isn’t the important part here, the important part is that the thing he’s done is a very common scum tactic

I don’t actually care what you call it

That’s probably the only thing you’ve done to actually help.

You’ve fished the read of me being ignorant to Slayer’s abilities.
How have you not given scum reads? At this point it’s blatant I am not Slayer.

If you were actually Slayer, why wouldn’t you?
You’d obviously try to hide your claim.

This is referring to the third bullet point, when you fakeclaim and the second slayer claim gets lynched after you fakeclaim their actual slayer target isn’t cleared.

Okay, walk me through this read, because right now I’m not seeing it at all

It’s not my fault that I assumed you would know how the classes work

This bullet point only makes sense if you think it’s possible that I actually am the Slayer, which is inconsistent with your attacks on me

I am claiming not Slayer

Do not execute people for doubling up on a Slayer claim with me

A notice to all players:
When creating a whisper chat with your neighbor, if you haven’t already, please denote in the title of the whisper chat that it’s with a neighbor so that I don’t accidentally accuse you of breaking whisper rules.

this could… very easily have fished a slayer. You know players here are eager to point out lies as soon as they see them.

This is exactly what i said about my jgoes read in maf academy. Like i think you actually chided me there for saying the same thing. Im gonna try to find it but the “im making shit happen” argument is right but not enough to justify a shit read.


Doesn’t explain how it was bad tone

Doesn’t explain how kyo bad.

Defending themselves, not explaining how kyo bad.

Not explaining how kyo bad, or really explain anything.

They aren’t great points, i’ll give you that.

Your reasoning still sux though