Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

Guess mine.


/execute magnus

/execute wazzazza

@Tangeld @anon97870008

Cough mate.

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I feel insulted you would want to execute me.

I am the most confirmed Town yet you EXECUTE Me?!

I’m confirmed not demon by Isaac ccing

That’s not my decision.

All appeals go to Luxy.
I’m just delivering the message.

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Oh I forgot the Isaac CC

/execute isaac

Any of these can die


Also, when Magnus is concered about his cc’er being silenced, something is wrong.


Still waiting.

I find it unfair.


Same. I already spoke with Luxy about it and I guess we just have to wait the few hours.

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/hands up Isaac
/hands up Magnus
/hands down Wazza

Please don’t kill me :frowning:

What are we thinking are the odds of Isaac/Magnus being a Demon/Minion pair who accidentally CC’d each other? It feels unlikely but at the same time they’re both acting objectively scummy

Also, has the Undertaker information from last night made its way to anyone yet? It seems plausibly relevant to this decision to have an idea of whether or not Italy was a minion

I’d be thinking pain, pain and more pain.

/Hands up Issac
/Hands up Wazza
/Hands down Magnus

Heck off, Hands up me and I’ll take my hands they’ll slap you.

Not that i’m aware of.