Welcome, one and all, to the idyllic hamlet of Ravenswood Bluff. Known far and wide for its breathtaking ocean view over the bluffs, its Flower Festival in the late summer, and its majestic clocktower in the center of town, which… um… I’m sorry, but those aren’t the clock hands. Are those… bodies?!
“Honestly, I’m surprised that they even managed to get us up that high. That takes dedication.” The ghosts of Tangeld, the town storyteller, and Priestess, the town scribe, lazily drift into the square.
“What happened to you two? Why are you… up there?”
“Folks, I hate to break it to you, but Ravenswood Bluff has a real problem. There’s a demon here among us. They have the power to take human form and the desire to slaughter every last person in this town. It’s up to you, the brave citizens, to root out the Demon and destroy them. You must act quickly, you only have…” Tan’s voice trails off as she looks up to the clock.
“What’s wrong, Tan?” Priestess seems concerned.
“You know, they go through all the effort to swap out the clock hands for our corpses… And I really should appreciate that commitment to the bit, but they got the hands wrong. I’m taller, I should be the minute hand. Three out of ten, the joke’s ruined for me.”
“You’re not that much taller…”
Day 1 has begun! The first twelve hours will be a dedicated discussion phase, in which no nominations may be made. The game will be notified when nominations are open.
Citizens of Ravenswood Bluff:
- Eevee
- Italy
- Arete
- Shurian
- Marshal
- DirectorHail
- Simon
- Nerbins
- Frostwolf103 (replaced by Isaac_Gonzalez)
- WazzaAzza
- Maxwell
- Magnus
- Possessed
- KyoDaz
A brief overview of rules can be found in the first post of this thread:
Fabled currently in play:
Channel-Master: One Townsfolk chosen at the start of the game permanently malfunctions.
Now with a convenient system for you to jump to particular points of the game!
Day 1 - Opening of Nominations: https://forum.imperium42.com/t/blood-on-the-forums-trouble-brewing-day-1-nominations-open/79377/405?u=tangeld
Day 2 - Start of Day: https://forum.imperium42.com/t/blood-on-the-forums-trouble-brewing-day-2-discussion-phase/79377/1478?u=tangeld
Day 2 - Opening of Nominations: https://forum.imperium42.com/t/blood-on-the-forums-trouble-brewing-day-2-nominations-open/79377/1562?u=tangeld
Day 3 - Start of Day: https://forum.imperium42.com/t/blood-on-the-forums-trouble-brewing-day-5-nominations-closed/79377/1943?u=tangeld
Day 3 - Opening of Nominations: https://forum.imperium42.com/t/blood-on-the-forums-trouble-brewing-day-5-nominations-closed/79377/2119?u=tangeld
Day 4 - Start of Day: https://forum.imperium42.com/t/blood-on-the-forums-trouble-brewing-day-5-nominations-closed/79377/2425?u=tangeld
Day 4 - Opening of Nominations: https://forum.imperium42.com/t/blood-on-the-forums-trouble-brewing-day-5-nominations-closed/79377/2697?u=tangeld
Day 5 - Start of Day: https://forum.imperium42.com/t/blood-on-the-forums-trouble-brewing-day-5-nominations-closed/79377/2827?u=tangeld
Day 5 - Opening of Nominations: https://forum.imperium42.com/t/blood-on-the-forums-trouble-brewing-day-5-nominations-closed/79377/3000?u=tangeld
Day 6 - Start of Day: https://forum.imperium42.com/t/blood-on-the-forums-trouble-brewing-good-wins/79377/3111?u=tangeld
Day 7 - Start of Day: https://forum.imperium42.com/t/blood-on-the-forums-trouble-brewing-good-wins/79377/3874?u=tangeld
Finale: https://forum.imperium42.com/t/blood-on-the-forums-trouble-brewing-good-wins/79377/4928?u=tangeld