Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]


If it’s not locked in yet, I’d like to hand down myself, seeing as the other half of the thunderdome is now known to be evil.

Can you maybe hand me down too :eyes:

If you’re actually the RK you’re never going to die at night, why is it so important to you to live? :eyes:

I have my suspicions, my beliefs, and know for sure that this execution is better spent on marshal

I mean I’m voting him

Well, eevee already knows why.

whats up

Oh, also, from interactions between me and Wazza before the whole Saint debacle happened, I’m pretty confident Eevee is good

hey can you say /hands up Marshal


what does me saying hands up do

That’s why I let eevee in on my plan.

vote to execute

haven’t read anything yet

marshal is powerwolfing

should i read all 1000 posts

/whisper Arete @Arete

you probably have time


/whisper anyone