Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

You still was changing a claim when acussed, which is a big scratch on your image.

Fuck it:

im the Slayer and I’m shooting Director

Good shoot

Not perfect, but clears a bit.

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I’m the slayer and i’m shooting Shurian

I won’t even be on to see the results

Tan’s literally typing them right now

You say, as we can all see Tan typing

Tangeld is writing a lot.

You probably just killed Demon and game will end.

GG :^)

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This is your regularly scheduled reminder that only three players have cast votes on all outstanding nominations. If you wish to check the status of your votes, you may inquire in your class DM.

Current nomination statuses are as follows:

* Italy: Seven votes to execute at present, enough to execute. Eight players have voted.

* Marshal: Four votes to execute at present, not enough to execute. Eight players have voted.

* Arete: One vote to execute at present, not enough to execute. Three players have voted.

* Tangeld: Two votes to execute at present, not enough to execute. Eleven players have voted.


laughs in scarlet woman

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To my knowledge there are no mechanical leads, just fakeclaim leads.

Which I why I didn’t want town fakeclaiming to Eevee. Which you did.

Marshal takes a Slayer shot at DirectorHail… And nothing happens.


Marshal, really? Did you consort Eevee first?


Good enough, I think I can clear Hail of being a minion too.

I just couldn’t clear them from being a demon.

/whisper @Maxwell

So marshal claimed slayer, but eevee never brought up kyo’s slayer shot

He had free hand to chose.

Despite that he asked me about who of 2 scumreads of his would be better shoot, I did say Hail.

Holy hell.

/Whisper @eevee

/slayer shot at Eevee

I’m shooting my own Demon!

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Wazza takes a Slayer shot at Eevee… And nothing happens.

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