Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

But nice shadethrow, Marshal :upside_down_face:

I’m just saying that you use “logic” a lot more as scum.

imma just give a few examples from LOTRFM give me a sec.

but in all honesty i will /whisper eevee if only to give them the benefit of the doubt

Just note that arete and I might act a bit different in BotC


i’m considerably more memey because there’s more room to meme around but i’m also actually helpful late game


I defy you to name one town game where I haven’t used both (a) facts and (b) logic

The Ben Shapiro
Blue Dragon Suppocinvestilleffensipecial

This isn’t even ‘your interpretation of my actions doesn’t make sense’ this is ‘the thing you are saying is so blatantly false that I’m confused where it even came from’

oh screw it

/whisper @Shurian

shuri you should accept this.

/whisper Eevee




/whisper Maxwell (?)


/whisper Marshal

/accept eevee

/accept eevee


/Whisper @DirectorHail

/whisper Magnus

/Accept whisper