Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

eevee is clearly trying to cover up their actual targets
of course, this being BotC, this could easily just be a town who has info that confirms people

No, I’m actually demanding all claims after possessed confirms me.

Alright Eevee, lets see what you got. /accept Eevee Whisper

I thought they were decoy whispers too.

might as well get dumbass soft out of the way.



Marshal confirmed demon. Either in a literal sense, or in a game sense. Probably the former.

Chat sure is moving slow for a FoL game.

technically a misc game but whatever.

I’m still waiting to hear about WTF eevee is doing.

I think I know their role too, but that doesn’t really matter.

I’ve also started something fun that has to do with neighbor chats.

But it’s a special secret.

Okay, so…

1st of all - I confirm Possessed as non-scum. Obviously.

2nd of all - @Possessed confirm me as “town or spy”, so we can carry on with whisper claim game.
Something like follow the mystic in ToL was before.

Yes Marshal, you probably guessed my role corectly.

Not saying exact one is better due to not outing Poss role tho.

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I confirm all of this. I suggest everyone to give claims to Eevee.

just a question. Do scum know eachother right now?

They do, yes.

Then respectfully, I’m not claiming to you even though I know what you are softing, as this could be a gambit to get all claims from town and clear you and possessed.

Scum know who their allies are, but not necessarily which characters. Example:
A is a Minion. They were told during Setup night that B and C are their fellow Minions, and that D is the Demon. They don’t know which Minion characters B and C are, however.

(They also technically don’t know what type of Demon D is, but TB only has one Demon type, so moot point.)

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This isn’t going to work unless you put faith in this process.

It’s either we are both scum, or… I’m spy who knew all roles.
And spy knows all roles anyway, so claiming to me changes nothing.

If we allow for random whispers to happen, the chance that spy will give information for rest of the team is very high.

If we however orgainze it toward one preson who is confirmed by someone, information can make us play way more optimaly, while reducing chance that evils will pass all info.

What I suggest is building a consensus before you all mass claim, but it needs to be done today or scum will have too much time to coordinate their claims.

Whispers in itself are very suspicious, EXACTLY cause most evils have no information and need to pass it to each other.

I’m trying to organize it, to prevent it, while making exchange of info for town unhindered.