Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

@fortune-teller if you exist check Marshal tonight

If I was evil here, I would actually be flipping tables.

I mean I would rather lynch you

yrine i think, but for your own personality

You can look at literally any scum game i’ve ever played.

Which number two.

you actively gave up in Nfol4. As the sole remaining scum, too.

Technicly speaking, Italy was not redchecked.

The real monk is just confirmed via other town role as non-scum.
Check was on monk, not on Italy.

Plus real monk actually was putting a lot of effort in solving and I can see theirs town motivation, but that’s not mechanical.

Whole thing was basing on thunderome and Italy just haaving way worse position in it.

And am I doing that now?

I’m not bastard. I was programmed by Kape.

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This implies you would be trying harder as evil here.

I’d just be really angry because this would be the third game in a row i died before N2 on

hearing people actively discarding parts of stories and probabilities (y’know, like you’re doing right now, discarding every probability that doesn’t somehow loop into “Italy and arete are evil”) is the most stressful thing that ever happens to me in text games
and you are not helping

okay so I just had the WORLD’S DUMBEST THOUGHT

but if we have a fortune-teller running around, Italy is strongly indicated to be a Minion at this point, and also very unlikely to be Spy based on the double-claim, so he can’t be the Red Herring

what this means is that if you’re trying to narrow down a yes you can use Italy as a guaranteed no

this is really dumb but technically correct

I’m actually considering what you say, you know?

Look, others are jumping to the gun, but now it’s time to really actually consider if it makes sense.

Reminder that you can all cast your votes while you’re here. It makes it really easy if I have fewer than ten people to ping for their votes later.

Not needed

scuse me,
discarding probabilities?
just, no.
i dont know of a scenario where id intentionally do that, and i think the probability id unintentionally do that is small enough to be disregarded

Also this is not a comment on whether or not I’m the fortune teller

i was aiming more towards marshal and eevee