Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

/Hand up @Tangeld

Everyone execute both hosts.

eevee is actually the SW and we’re trying to bus circle so one of us are confirmed
that’s a fair point

I’d prefer we execute priestess actually :eyes:

Okay this is a good meme but we will actually lose if we execute Tangeld

So please hand down her

you just voted for… a confirmed evil win.


/queue - hands town tangled

@anon97870008 @Tangeld

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Actually, since we have two storytellers, are we doing Good Twin Evil Twin?

I’m Tangeld, and Tangeld is me…

Hmmm, Arete and Italy, you want to execute devil.

Who you want to execute?


Marshal, because he really looks like he’s powerwolfing here.

take a guess.

they say says “marshal”

You mean Demon?

Also I’ve said several times that Marshal is my primary suspect

Can you hands me down now

Our name is Legion That’s a joke because Legion is actually another Demon type for this game, not on the current script.

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I’m pretty sure that Italy is trying to anti-spew his partner here

Tan stop naming characters that haven’t been added to the game yet smh.

How about we hung you and if you are town, we will just slayer kill Marshal? Works?

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Hmm… Looks like im about to go full nerdville on the marshal sux gang v2.

Can you please not claim evil, that’s my job :eyes:

I claim Demon.


…I’m the psychopath and I dayvig eevee, tan