Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

88% town.
12% scum

It doesn’t matter anyway, you’re already dead.

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Wait wait nvm I’m stupid.

There’s a really easy first step to sort out half of this list.

We remove 3 man scum teams with all 3 people dead in them already


Alright so I’ll go do that later

But first…

I need ma lunch

PKR was spy babysitter and swapped town crier / barber so that we didn’t get free clears on all the people that nominated D1, because none of these people are minions

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bow down

Oh fuck, u right.
(Again, I’m being sarcastic. I’m just unimpressed by this rn)

I don’t think PKR is necessarily Spy, the Spy could’ve whispered to them as well.

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and hey, if PKR is real then we can always blame him for the doodoo night action

No u

Tbh if Pigeon is real, I’m glad that he trusted me for no reason at all despite me being scum last game and doing that whole thing or whatever. Pretty lucky,

are you just lolcatting now

No. I’m literally working on Intensify’s list.
I’m just not in a great mood and want to avoid blowing up at people.

arctic is lock mafia

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should i lolcat :flushed:

im bd and i converted you but it failed :flushed:

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on a more serious note I think you’re handling this tinfoil in particularly bad faith especially because you’re making out PKR’s action to be bad when it’s inherently not that

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Could’ve been better

Multiple people asked me to do it basically.
Wazza and Marshal.
So get off my ass