Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

wazza didn’t actually tell me he was doing an rt, he just said the keyword is pancake
then he pinged me and said pancake
i had no idea what it meant

Alright, i’ve read up

I think i blanket prefer cheese over pigeon

night’s probably just a villager i dont think she can fake that
read nuance level

im pretty sure the 3 above night are all pretty likely good, it’s the ones below (Cheese Pigeon) that are meh

so no culting from me 4 a bit

/pardon Wazza

/execute cheese

pigeon vote pending

I do not consider getting a philosopher killed a townie thing to do. The only way you would be confirmed is if you were dead, which contradicts the following statement.

If you wanted to stay alive, then you could not have confirmed yourself. If you confirmed yourself, you would be dead. These two options are mutually exclusive.

I’d like to know why you two didn’t do this.

Idk, I was just somewhat following orders from someone I’m basically towncoring.
Like, I don’t see what’s so hard to understand about that

what if i executed cheese because I want to remove the chance I turn evil :flushed:

although with pidgeon malfunctioning me id need to run the numbers again

@Marshal Would you like to gamble PKR as Philosopher tonight?
@PokemonKidRyan Would you like to gamble Marshal as Gambler tonight?

  1. I’m fairly sure Marsh said they gambled me (and chose incorrectly on purpose) and are alive therefore I’m 100% confirmed (or they’re drunk)
  2. It’s one of 3 possibilities I currently have today. I want Wazza here so I can discuss the 3.

update: I no longer really have any sort of mechclear on cloned :flushed:

because if I malfunctioned tonight then my alignment not changing doesn’t mean anything about the alignments of my neighbours

I can but I gambled myself as politician and lived which means I’m definitely drunk, either from PKR or from being outsider.

I don’t know if PKR dying the same night gives me back my abils, if it does I will prob try to use my abil seriously but also I don’t see any reason to do that tonight

So who should I malfunction?

Ah, I remember now lol. It was something about philo or polit and was either me or you that you targeted.
Look, I tried… ok?

send the cheese to the shadow realm

marshal has already confirmed pkr
pkr confirming marhal wouldn’t be terrible?

Probably not me or Marsh.
Idk who though. Your choice.
If you and me end up mindmelding on who I think scum is, I’m going to be delighted.

Bruh I’ve already told you