Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

is there no universe in which marshal can be town and you and pkr be scum?

explain it to me like im 5

only if marshal is drunk

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he was meant to check one of me / nightingale / apprentice but checked marshal because he was paranoid about being pocketed

he could have red/greenchecked one of us but nOoOooo paranoia

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all i know is in whispers i went something along the lines of (paraphrased)
“pkr you’re a wolf you haven’t done the towntell”
“oh postgame you should really tell me what that town tell is so i can play around it”
“no, also you just admitted to being a funyun ya dingus”

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i also don’t think PKR is a wolf because if he was then he would have claimed a redcheck on me/nightingale/apprentice or whatever and then won

Oh come off it :\
Wazza literally told me not to check App because App is town

why did you take wazza’s word for it

Ok buddy, I see we’re boutta have an issue.
The second thing, my thing, is paraphrased to make me evil compared to what it actually is

this is why
or something

that’s how i interpreted it at least

Because they felt genuine?
With their reactions towards me and Marsh

i can’t give an exact quote because lolwhispers

What the heck, do I need to rewhisper you to explain it? :\

if you think that pkr is a wolf then vote me in the thunderdome between me and app today

no wazza doesn’t have to be a wolf
you can be town and have a wrong opinion
why did you blindly trust wazza

Because I fucking did, ok?
Stop getting on my ass.

town pkr is like a cop who lost his badge and gun but can’t get off the case

wolf pkr is the puppetmaster

this is puppetmasterkidryan

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actually I should probably read before officially announcing a thunderdome
on the other hand arctic is easily more villagery than almost every other player in the game

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if we end up executing PKR and he’s town and we lose then i hate to be that guy, but it really is his fault