Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

Night literally said below :stuck_out_tongue:

why dont you just rant in thread
whispers are pointless since im town

What was Eli’s info btw?

There’s a duo next to each other who is scum.

and night?

No that’s Amelia’s husband, not Drunk.

Drunk is the one that thinks they’re a townsfolk but isn’t.

Outsiders cannot be drunk

Eli gets a number I’m asking what it was


Can uhh everyone who just died and is still alive tell me what action they did.

Once again, the Lunatic is not my husband.

I think by there being a duo next to each other, it would mean 1 pair.
So, the number 1?


X to doubt

Yep Eli confirmed it was a 1

Oh I like almost certainly have full solve for you losers then but it’ll be a dummy thick wallpost

Aren’t you Politician still?

So you gotta wait sry

Can I not solve the game

Seems kinda odd… but I guess this is optimal

Winning as good by killing demon stops me from getting hecked by host even if it’s less fun

Tru I guess

I get that you want to do a wallpost.
But for now can you just say the suspects?