Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

But yeah I can’t type it up from mobile so gotta wait

I just want to let them talk more and do some stuff before I do cuz fmpov I have to convince you rather than figure out who scum is now

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Also let PoE only nominate today. Don’t be a dumb dumb and get Witched

That sounds… reasonable I suppose.
Fine, I guess this can wait until later

I’m still fine to talk some now, I just can’t really make a wallpost case rn and don’t want to try to dunk wolves without it


the best part is I still might win if I’m wrong cuz then I derail final 2 days

if i was witched and i voted someone would it get announced?

I asked and i technically action at same time as PKR so it’s arbitrary who goes first and So just in case I didn’t meme select and gambled pigeon as sailor

Not that it really matters

… I have no idea actually

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i’m gonna nom either way since i can’t die to the witch

who died to the witch d2? anyone?

Don’t please

We want PoE to die and we have enough to nom each other

Plus if you get attacked at night we get a 3rd lunch

No one did

so it’s just possible eli was witch

or maybe they witched me yesterday and i’m not death immune anymore

death IS tempting

what’s our PoE?

Night and PKR + who?

( i can’t tell whos alive or dead from the OP)


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