Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

Cantaloops can nominate for sure

PKR nom night
Night nom loops
loops nom PKR

the world’s weirdest love triangle

Can probably shouldn’t nom?

Why’s it night/PKR specifically

why not?

I thought both were p villagery lol

pkr outed and nights alignment is based on his according to her
(pkr didn’t intentionally out but i caught him on what i think is a slip and he keeps yelling at me for it)

Did he gamble her or wat

everyone except canta and you I think but I’ll explain more in wallpost

went like this cowboycat

she’s claimed cult leader and you’re dead

pkr is her only living adjacent

It doesn’t work like that


That’s not how it works… that’s not how any of this works

she wasn’t next to marshal anyway
it’s cloned but he’s dead


“Living neighbor” is who your neighbors would be if all dead were removed

oh lol imagine 3 evils sitting in a line
couldn’t be me