Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

i think here apprentice realised that PKR was spewing him as babysitter and so wanted to counter this

Also I’ll be posting my thoughts at like 4 cst maybe a bit earlier

(eh should I rule out the arctic/eli teams)



atm my top worlds


I mean it could be like polit + drunk ig but yea

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Canta App Intensify leaves zero outsiders

Can Canta + Eli + Intensify exist

Also my wallpost will include why I think Marl is V cuz I’m very confident in that

ok I have a quiz get back to me l8r

i think so but

I’m going to say it could.

But if that is the actual setup then it means someone has been lying about their role and likely is politican who doesn’t care if town loses because they win anyway.

Which is lame.
So I don’t think it would exist.

no one has to be lying if there’s politician + drunk

but it’s still ridiculous to self-curse n1 and kill another wolf d1?

It’s better to bet drunk than politician tbh.

Oh, lol, idk why but I thought it said Canta, Intensify and App

Also if someone presents the possibility of me + Canta + X, they better provide 200 reasons why

I think it’s you, canta and me because I looked at our DMs together.
(I have stated multiple times I don’t think it’s you. And I stick by it. But it is possible because easily someone could be drunk)

I mean it depends what the combination is.

I’m pretty sure I can take down every possible combination

When do nominations open?

here ya go

2 hours

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Wait that didn’t work.

In exactly 2 hours and 40 minutes from now.