Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

Or, hear me out, maybe neither of us aren’t it.

we’re mind crushing app to the shadow realm

Someone help me figure out who’s holding in a night/arctic world

I’m still considering it

walk me through that

imagine playing this game and not just posting fool related pictures

I’m not happy about that.
Yall are voting out a town member and letting Arctic and Night decide who gets that lil monsta tonight.
It sucks




@Apprentice pat the joycat for me

With a children card game?


What does pot of greed do however

let me nom apprentice since i can’t die

see the issue is that everyone’s ass is tunneled on PKR/App being the team so I have to figure out holder between Night/Artic by myself because im not as hard tunneled

Besides, yall know I don’t like joycat.
I’d have disowned it by now.

So I’m confirmed innocent since it still exists.

w…what the fuck?

Remember don’t nominate now.

We still haven’t put together all the mechanical evidence and sort out a 3 man PoE

intensify we’re past that more or less

Top 10 anime betrayals

3 man PoE is Arctic, Night and Arctic again