Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

you’re late

intensify no offence but
you’ve been shitposting for like the past 3 hours

Ah Frick I’m late.

we’ve actually been doing things

dont nominate
let me nominate since i can’t die
we yeet app
and then we pop bottles

Shrug. I’m like half busy and half procrastinating right now

I would actually nominate Arctic but I feel like I’ve definitely been cursed because if this whole 2v2 was planned then everything fits

either commit to whatever work you have to do so you get it done sooner
or commit to thread

there’s no point wasting time shitposting when it just delays you getting your work done

We’re at a dichotomy of sorts between Night/Arctic and PKR/App

If PKR is wolfing app is confirmed wolfing

App + Arctic or Night is… possible?? but kinda weirdchamp

Shrug sure

It’s literally not difficult.
I don’t do what I’m doing here if I was wolf. So it means it’s Night and Arctic.
Idk which of them would have the monsta though

I don’t believe it’s Arc tbh.

if we must kill between me/night then kill me over night since there’s a chance i’m not drunk

but i would much rather yeet app and end the game

You’re probably not drunk.

I would’ve expected Can to die if you were drunk

Preeeeeeetty sure arctic is holding if it’s arctic/night

Most of this is based on how night’s done ~Nothing today and arctic has at points pushed for her

it’s not a ton but it’s about 70% confident if one is holding

Who did you choose to be malfunctioning rn?
You or who?

(I want to know your fakeclaim)

You don’t choose the host does

