Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

PKR it’s your fault you lost regardless of what alignment you are tbh

Tonally wise, he has a good town tone.

The way he handle things makes more sense from a town perspective rather than a scum perspective.

He’s hesitant when I first sent him a whisper request due to last game, but he accepts and when I ask for a claim, he immediately claimed Sailor to me.

As a scum, he could’ve easily said “not claiming to you after what happened last game” or something along the lines of that and I wouldn’t have been too suspicious of him.

you spewed your teammate as babysitting and your play today has been atrocious

Oh noes you have become one with the toxic forumer!

So how does an immediate claim make you think he’s town? He’d have safe claims as scum. Like I understand what you’re saying I just don’t see how any of that makes you think he’s town

Lil Monsta doesn’t get demon bluffs.

The fact that he claimed so early and quickly to me even though he could’ve easily scapegoated with a decently fairish excuse is just one example of why I don’t see him being scu,

Can you please not post just to attack people? Like it’s just gonna go bad (yes I realize i did the bad too I just want it to stop)

Wait minions don’t get bluffs oh

Well regardless in the other scumteam pigeon/Night/cheese are all neighbors

I’m not even going to talk anymore because I don’t need to.
I have a valid and good target to vote.

uh huh
you do that i guess

But then Eli’s chef info doesn’t make sense.

He should be getting a 2 in this case then

I like really don’t wanna lose so I want to actually be able to convince you Intensify

Does the Exorcist check on me from gorta and the Sailor stuff even help sway you? Like I think I’ve provided a lot of evidence of Arctic and Night both not playing like they’re the roles the claim to be and only pushing agenda instead of making reads

Spy is confirmed to exist though

Not really?

Gorta got axed the night he exorcised you so that doesn’t help and Sailor only helps semi-clear you but the problem is you’re literally pushing the Sailor to be fake as well : |

Like Night hasn’t even started a cult on such a critical day

Arctic and Night haven’t been trying to evaluate they’ve just been pushing agenda that results in a world where they’re good

Gotta still exorcised which means I can’t be LM n2

Can you try to evaluate if you are scum with PKR and me who you would give LM to that night

apprentice i’m sorry but like
before today you had 60 posts and there were no reads or actual content in any of them

i tried to focus this day on living players, and i’ve stated marl seemed towny and nightingale wolfy, but after i realised that this scumteam makes perfect sense (you/eli/pkr) i’ve been pushing it because i’m sure it’s right

you keep saying it’s exactly what i need to do and that i’m pushing agenda, but why would i not have done this from the getgo instead of flipflopping my reads
i’m actually trying to get a grasp of the game

No because Exorcist’s ability stops when they die.

the lack of posts is because I was busy irl and people know that stop trying to construe that as scummy because everyone knows it blatantly isn’t for me

They can’t die if the LM is exorcised though…