Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

That’s odd…

I’m Saint

Going through some whispers

seems like a gambit
get em bois

Haha, then from my understanding, you are lying. :slight_smile: I thought there could only be one of each role.

I still don’t know why App was going the Politician route. Unless to try to get info.

Hmm yeah I was joking around…

But… hmm I am very intrigued

Okay, I thought maybe one of us was a Drunk, but I checked they wouldn’t think themselves another Outsider.

Despite App knowing there’s a Spy and us figuring out there was one a long time ago, I’m surprised App kept with his Politician claim

Okay, I’m reading something about a Little Monster. Interesting. So the Demon actually switches around based on this?

Oh, I think the Politician claim has something to do with some whispers with Pigeon.


Go on…

I’m trying to figure out if that was first rand though. Might have been. Checking timestamps.

Oh, that was first rand. Haha. Interestingly, pigeon was claiming Saint and App was claiming Politician to him. It’s almost like App just decided to keep up the Politician claim after getting Saint after re-rand.

Hmm yes the first game…

Cries in rerand

Okay, App was thinking Arctic/Pigeon is definitely one of the evils. Also likely Night. Then possibly Cheese.

hi whysper
nice to see ya
yeah app probably thought I was evil…

Y’all killed me to “clear be from being the babysitter”

By immediately turning back, those individuals that are leading the charge on a evil!cheese world are scum trying to kill off random people


I think whysper is evil

Saint claim is very troublesome…

Haha, I’m thinking the tables are turned this BotF. Yeah you got me that other game where I was Demon. But now there’s good chance you are evil this time around. :slight_smile:

Fun fact
I can’t be demon in this game since I’m dead :stuck_out_tongue:

This is can die too imo

Just ignore the fact Marshal is already dead