Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

also here’s another one of your TMIs, because i’m feeling generous today

you refuse to see a world where marshal is drunk and apprentice is still evil, even if you aren’t partners with him

you had the perspective that we lose if apprentice is executed today before he even claimed saint

I’ve already looked into and discussed that world.

Again, your refusal to think about it is what made me deny it in the end.

I mean, the fact yall can’t get a saint hint isn’t my fault.

so you’re now saying it was obvious he was saint? lol

It’s obvious they were hinting saint.
I was considering T/T worlds with you but you were having none of it.

how was it obvious they were softing saint

point out where i said night was obviously a villager

Whysper = App right?


/execute Whysper

/execute whysper
/pardon arctic
/pardon nightingale


That’s disappointing. I thought town would’ve known better.

Also Night I admit I might’ve mistook you for someone lol

Can the saint be evil?


then why is it worded “Your alignment loses?”

rather than “The townsfolk lose”

I guess if BH was in game it could be evil?
In this game it cannot though is what I was getting at

I’m riding this entire game on my PKR and Arctic read

We’re ending this game one way or another with the Whysper yeet laddies

I would change my vote on Whys to end things sooner.
But… nah.