Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)





It has been the sadge because the evil win got nae’d nae’d on

ah, fair enough


bold of you to thank them

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Now now… let’s not namedrop here…

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[REDACTED] for town MVP when

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can’t wait for a spec to travel in

what be happening

hi cheese! hru?

I find whispering quite suspicious. In the previous game, the Monsters and evils used it to communicate amongst each other. They were also able to manipulate some of the townsfolk into executing pigeon by spreading misinformation.

As such, I insist that we should minimalize private conversations and focus on chatting in the main thread so that everyone will “be on the same page,” or have a common understanding of the situation.

In fact, it is essential that we chat publicly so that discussion will constantly be ongoing, allowing everyone to participate freely without being concerned about the source of their information.

Some players may argue that in BotF VI, whispering is considered normal because it allows players to reaction test players they’re whispering. However, this ends up allowing the Monsters to trick the Town, more than the Town baiting the Monsters.

It can also be argued that whispering would allow town to coordinate and formulate a plan together without alerting the Monsters. Although this would be a good idea in theory, it is unlikely to succeed because the Monsters will be among the townsfolk, eventually leaking information outside of desired participants.

Not only would this be an inefficient way of developing a plan, but it would also create distrust between the members of the town. Suspicions against each other and hesitance to whisper will cause conflicts and lead to accusations, which can then allow the Monsters to take control of the situation.

To prevent this from happening, everyone must discuss things in the main thread to prevent the Monsters from manipulating information this way. By doing so, information will be accountable first-hand instead of being based on the accounts of whispers.

It should also be noted that each player will always have two neighbors in which they are incapable of ignoring due to the fact that they are permanently in a chat together. This cannot be stopped by agreements to chat publicly. Instead, everyone should report what they discussed with their neighbors and compare the consistency of each account to expose neighboring monsters.