Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

saint has to die by execution now


I don’t have the new grimoire you nerd



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however based off the Old™, Outdated™, Fake™ almanacs, Evil wins in that situation. in the New™, Based™, Unstoppable™ Almanacs, Good wins if a babysitter Saint dies.

Anyway I’ll just stab tan later its fine

I caught PKR and Marshal and instead caused society chaos for everyone.

Oh and Nightingale felt way too obvious Spy, anyway, gg

tan is probably right to host the game off the rules that are public to people who haven’t actually bought the game, but consider this

we live in a society

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Also I brought the Saint up to Tan in my classcard

society wins still

because the wiki and the script tool is updated

Okay but she also used old Exorcist wording in OP kappa

no matter what society wins

And she used new Philo wording

Your point being?

i always win

Point being

tan didn’t tell me saint babysitter would just always be Evil win

The lesson we all learned today was that time travel apperently does not reset the outcome of Saint getting executed

Anyway, gg, was very funny to have known App was the Saint all along

If only I stayed in the game, Town wouldn’t have lost from executing him

We didn’t time travel we jumped to another dimension smh