Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

ok we get it you’re town

you cannot silence me
not even death can silence me

Noms are soon I think, so here’s a thing

  • We should be conscious of a witch in the game if there is one, Active or Experienced players (Myself/Apprentice is my main thought) are the hottest witch targets so should probably be wary
  • Try to get only people who we think are town to cast nominations, to use Town Crier info to build towncores.
  • I’m gay
  • Nominate whoever, I don’t have specific ideas for nominations (although i’d probably tend towards wanting people who claim self-confirm-via-exe roles up, after that some stronger but wolfy players likely to flagbear, persssoonally feeling marl/eli on this count but this can be up for discussion)

the SethTheKing method, I see

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I personally would like marl’s ass to be grass because he’s claimed fool and has also not done anything villagery

May consider upping that one myself but a lot of n1 actions went my way last time so I don’t feel absurdly comfortable with that even if my role is ultimately not incredibly consequential

the what

Ooh, you all know what time it is… Nominations have opened!

This is a setup where it’s important to box in wolves as a whole, so we should use resources such as Gambler/Town Crier (+Possibly chef), and also :scream_cat: reads to box in the minions by finding goods vs. try to directly pin them because the minions can shift around who holds demon

I’m not exactly sure how minions choose who has the demon (if it’s chosen by majority vote or if the holder can choose to pass it or not)

Operating under the assumption it’s the 2nd means we should probably try to limit the spread of information after the random-talking stage so that the minions have to be a bit blinder about who has the monster and maybe we can catch it out easily at first

@Intensify what was this about

Nobody spam-nominate, we need to be smart about it

i was not amused last time
did pigeon and intensfiy just cross nominate

/nominate Marluxion

Marluxion has nominated… Marluxion! Interesting move… Marluxion, your accusation?

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based, I suppose?

The demons have a night chat in which they must unanimously decide who babysits the lil monsta. They may not say anything except for names of players. If they break this rule, they are punished by the hell’s librarian.

Based on fucking what?

this is my accusation


Cultured, I see… Does the accused wish to give a defense?