Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)


all good players have been forcibly signed up for clown fiesta

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Oh, I actually have a fun little parting gift for all you wonderful players! But first, a story…

You see, long ago on D1, there were two very viable candidates for the day’s execution; Eli and Marluxion. And for most of the voting cycle, these two were only a single vote apart. To make matters more problematic for the host, Marl would survive execution on D1, while Eli would not. So what does poor Tan do when she has to go to sleep and fears she might not be on for EoD to see which one actually gets executed? She writes flavor for both, of course. Enjoy the flavor that I didn’t get to show, because you all executed Eli instead of Marl on D1.

Tan finished counting the day’s votes. “Well, folks, looks like Marl’s the man of the hour.”

Marl sighed deeply. “And here, I hoped the party could last just a little longer.”

“No need to be so down, Marl, we’re gonna send you off in style!” Tan raised her glass. “A toast!”

Marl raised his glass as well, but as he did so, the floor creaked, his only warning before two floorboards under his feet gave way and he dropped feet-first into a narrow gap in the floor. Before anyone could respond, the gap erupted in a gout of flame.

Tan smiled. “I do love my irony.” But to her surprise, a hand emerged from the now-scorched gap in the floorboards as Marl climbed back out into the tavern, his clothes and hair visibly singed, but otherwise in perfect health.

“That all you got?” Marl coughed up a tiny cloud of ash and smiled.

Tan raised an eyebrow. “Well done…” She then began laughing uncontrollably.

“It wasn’t that funny, Tan.”

“Of course it was. You uncultured rabble just don’t appreciate wordplay.”

Marl has been executed… but survives! Day 1 ends. Please submit actions for Night 2, if you have any.

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hey tan
is there an EoD3 flavor somewhere or does that not exist

I hadn’t typed one up yet. Came online this morning with what I thought would be an hour and a half until EoD to find that Amelia had called the day a couple hours before (this wasn’t a wrong or bad thing to do, since the vote had become impossible to beat, but it did mean that I wasn’t around to write any flavor for it). Amelia actually wanted to write some, not sure whatever happened to that.


@amelia let’s see what happens

This still doesn’t explain the wierd demonic crap

you see it was going to amount to one of us reaching into PKR’s hat and revealing that Chloe was underneath it :^)


Stop fake claiming as saint

no dont

fake claiming as saint is good actually

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its worse in this script but in trouble brewing fake claiming as saint is probably optimal

so the demon nae naes you