Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

Is your brain giving out on you? Welcome to Clocktower!

This is why I shouldn’t have done what I did N1.
Regrets truly do exist lmao

Btw, you don’t know how annoyed I am from your damn lie.
You made me truly believe there’s was at least 1 fakeclaimer.
But nope, seems neither of us explained things truly and fully, eh?

Your fault for lying to me. I gave you both an opportunity to rescind your, what I believed to be fakeclaims, but instead you caused this.

brits bitch at each other about a misunderstanding

a tale as old as time

I’m not going to blame Marshal here.
I’m also only going to partly blame you.

But god this got hecked up much more than it should.
I’m half tempted to go back to sleep and wait until a new day to think again

It’s less of a misunderstanding, it’s more of something else.

you better not wtf did I do

I currently hold the belief that wazza is town

You had two chances to tell me something.

I told you to explain your Gambler claim, you didn’t explain what you told Marshal which is why I now believe you are actually scum.

Suicide tonight, or else.

If either of you aren’t town I give up.
Also, Wazza, calm yourself.
Let me explain myself.

/Whisper @Wazza


I’m not of the “PKR lockscum” camp

but i’d like him to take risky gambles at the very least

Why does everyone keep saying this to me? I’m not angry…?

No no, you had this chance.


I will, however, accept a whisper.

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what iffff

PKR was the
last nominator?

I feel like if we can be confident on me/wazzoy/pkr town (or at least I can be confident on the latter 2 being town) this game is going to be at a mechanical advantage

Why am i hyperposting I barely cared last game

I’m breaking mine and PKR’s whisper to just say, did you just call me wazzoy?

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/whisper PKR
