Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

Whisper Intensify

angleshoot no


/whisper Intensify
let me go with my rule of “always whisper intensify d1”

Oh yeah before I accept whispers.

Let’s just settle two things to make our lives easier

  1. Don’t reuse old whispers, just create a new one for this game
  2. When someone accepts a whisper, the person who accepts creates the whisper PM
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oops too late

You whispered Night first bruh

specifically for 1

i didn’t say first, now did i


Anyways let’s begin.

I hard claim Chef.

I have a 1.

aren’t you glad that happened

hard claim no renscindo?
:flushed: :flushed:

chef is the best role for reaction tests
everyone knows this

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Hardclaim maybe rescinds

: )

that isn’t helpful
anyways, accept my whisper

Ah yes.

Evils will be so shook when I know how many of them sit next to each other

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/Accept Whisper

when is chef even useful
when you have 2 minions mech-outed or sth

you’re the one creating the whisper channel

Encourage everyone to get involved in the conversation

You’ve replied 3 times to @Intensify in this particular topic!

A great discussion includes many voices and perspectives. Can you get anybody else involved?

And don’t forget, if you’d like to continue your conversation with this particular user at length outside of public view, send them a personal message

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