Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

Wait wait wait.
/execute Eli
No way he makes it out alive. He asked for a 3f3, and did NOT give Chef as one of his, even though I gave Sailor as one of mine.

He claims that the fake 3f3 was because he didn’t believe my Saint/Sailor/Gambler 3f3.
Besides, what kind of RT is fakeclaiming Philo?

is Eli claiming philo>chef or just chef?

i’m claiming just chef

Right, /pardon PKR

Votes that have already been cast by me

Pardoning myself
Executing Marl
Executing Eli

honestly at this point i don’t even remember what the intent was behind the philo > chef thing clearly

It was “I’m Scum and I get freedom by claiming Philo”

bold of you to assume i’m lockscum

interesting, @Intensify I feel better about claiming to you now. If I can’t do it today it’ll happen tomorrow

Gotta is just the bootleg gorta

Well too late cause I got nae’d nae’d and dead people can’t whisper : |

dead people can whisper


This wasn’t allowed in ides of blood



Are you sure you didn’t just incorrectly read the OP there? Dead players can indeed whisper.

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Hello guys.

Pass me your true claims to me please via whispers.

I will become good aligned spy now

hello, my name is chef

/Whisper Gonta

Gib me ur claim I am dead self resolved IC Scum Lost Town

that is my true claim

yo intensify
guess what
witch self curse exists, you aren’t IC :flushed: :flushed: