Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

im carrying the wheel

this is code for “you’re wrong”

Inb4 someone unintentionally types goreta

this is todays reminder to join my cult
too tired to do formatting rn

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im mostly happy that I have a non-generic pose that doesn’t look like garbage

I’m not joining your cult


I just don’t know how to join lol

Gaming gaming.

Accept me whispers and claim to me

I oppose the sentiment that proclaims whispering is a helpful tool. As previously stated, it only allows evil players to communicate amongst themselves and trick the townsfolk by privately spreading misinformation.

Not only is it harmful because it allows evils to obtain a strong advantage, but also because it is impossible to prove or disprove anything spoken in these whispers, allowing the Monsters to further take control over information.

Just type in your class card that you want to join the cult

/hand down Marluxion
/hand down PKR
/hand up Eli
/hand down Gorta

I left pigeon out intentionally as I am not sure whether or not I want to exe him.



what even is marl

Your vote on me locks though, so ye don’t vote me yet


sure why not
/hand up Marl