Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

Ok whoever is the babysitter chooses barber swap.

I am hardclaiming Politician no meme.

Babysitter swap yourself and me tonight. Then you’re evil Politician and win is super ez gg

You’ll become evil Politician who can drive the bus to victory and I become good whatever minion you were

…and we kill them because…?
Sorry im just confused

Evil team now gotta pick a babysitter who will betray them.

the only people who im comfortable calling villa are intensify and cantaloupe
pkr/marl are pretty okay

also I had a brain thing
marshal guesses pkr as philo

@cantaloupe You clearly haven’t read the game if you think Marshal and I are W/W for pushing Marl. Marl claimed Fool. I’m not actually pushing Marl, I’m just trying to confirm him as Fool.

I’m pretty sure that Cantaloupe said you and Marshal?

The person I’m actually pushing is Eli who got himself in a thunderdome with PKR and attempted but pretty much failed to escaoe

I’m dumb

Cantaloupe is saying that you have some ??? whispers between you two and your pushes are synced
which I think isn’t a bad case, although I highly doubt it’s W/W with Eli

Which is why I’m thinking we go Eli → one of Pidgeon/Mashal here
Probably Pidgeon over Marshal because we can force Marsh to suicide on someone later

Well, as long as PKR is dead

There is no scumchat in BotC

And YOU should know that, since you were previously scum

you still know who your teammates are and it’s not hard to sync pushes with limited vote options

e.g. everyone on the team knew to try to gun for a pidgeon execute last game, despite us not sharing any whispers about it

I’ve outed everything that happened in those whispers. It was an RT gone wrong that I don’t think I could make up on the fly like that

Explain pushing PKR?

I still think that Eli has a good chance of being wolf here
But we play tomorrow as if Eli was town because the game is flipless and due diligence and such

What if @marshal gambles PKR

Not pushing PKR
but if Marsh is a villager, as long as PKR isn’t alive and forcing their ability to malfunction, we can force Marshal to suicide at any point and lock them wolf if they don’t