Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

Is that how that works?

Yep. If you guess wrongly as gambler (or Philo turned gambler) you die.
Recheck your rolecard dude

As in does it check for philo or gambler


seeing as you’re alive i’ll assume it’s the former

Oh I’m a philo by role still.
It’s just that I gained the gambler abilities.

So am I a gambler?
Yes, but also no.

Am I a philosopher?
You but… actually, just yes.

since all the talking is happening in private what are your all’s favorite flavor of popsicles

popsicles bad >:(

heck you Night

I don’t think I can actually eat a popsicle rn

I’m starting a cult again :joy_cat:

Nightingale has once again called for a cult! If all Good players join their Cult and they are the real Cult Leader, their alignment will win! Also, for you dead folk, you can still vote for Cults.

My favourite ice lollies…
Hmm, strawberry probably?

Tropical ones for brands like solero can be lush though

I had a thought but idk how questionable it is to say it out loud.
I’m thinking back on the mechanics for lil monsta or whatever it’s called

Ok so now that PKR has no info what

do we do

I was thinking… since Tan said about the mechanics for that thing, I would expect that if an assassin submitted a kill (Since I don’t think there’s any killers but assassin and lil monsta factional) that to “balance” things so it’s not just an autowin for scum today but to also make it so that overall favour is towards that team… that we have got 1 dead scum member.

Who that scum member is? Fuck knows.

As otherwise, if Witch kill happens and we mis-exe, then it’d be 3v3, right?
So, I don’t see that happening.

I’d also say that it’s likely not the Witch that would be killed because if lil monsta is supposed to kill (controlled by Tan) but in a way that is beneficial for scum and not game winning at the same time though… then it’d keep that killer alive for now.

If Witch was killed it steals away a (potential) kill from the team which seems swingy in town’s favour more than killing off a different member. The only way imo that the witch would be dead is if it was Intensify big braining (I don’t think it is) or Eli since then the scum death would be out of the storyteller’s control.


Marshal - My rolecard is bluer than the sky, and the sky can suck it.
PKR - I was drunk last night or I would have died, and the only possible causes of drunkedness are Philo!PKR or me being the Drunk Outsider. Not lock but unless I am Drunk he’s town.
Intensify - Evils witchcursing each other or themselves is very weirdchamp, he’s also the only outsider claim. Townie McTowners.

Marl - Fool claim as evil is a very strange gambit, I don’t particularly see him doing that especially because he’s sort of been doing nothing else and I feel like he’d be doing… anything else as wolf besides pepega fool claiming. Could be a wack gambit
Night - I vibe with the cult leader claim and I think she’s been handling it in a culty way, I don’t think CL is a good minion bluff becuase it’s not ever really guaranteed good. I believe the claim strongly but I can’t really put this in the “very likely just town” teir because CL isn’t, like, always good.
Wazza - Vibed hard with how she handled the gambler stuff, I think her handling of nominations with her claim (which I don’t believe is public) is villagery, also she died so video games
Gortato Chips - Is dead, and I don’t think tanmelia kill him with monsta because he can’t realistically do much with the cred of dying, unless they were feeling like bitches but I don’t think so

Canta - I read over the uh other one last night and he wasn’t actually, like, super different there. I liked this earlier but don’t feel like I can justify it being anywhere above =rand

Pidgeoto - Generally liked the reaction to my reactiontest but he is acting significantly different and less pepega than last game and it gives me weird feelings.

Cheese - Haven’t seen… anything from this. Tempted to slot into w because he was agressive v last game but it’s possible he just played that way because of his role.

App - Memes have been weak and i’ve seen notmuch content so like eh ehwheeheheheh probs just meh idk null

Eli - Selfvoted and exclusively offtopicing/memeing this day i’m taking as a wolfclaim. Villagers in his position always at least make it clear they’re not lolcatting/giving up, was already very wolfy because the ‘reactiontest’ makes very little sense.





/whisper PKR @PokemonKidRyan

/whisper intensify @Intensify